Sunday, August 26, 2018

Breaking point

between the shore and sky
the trees devour the ocean waves
give way to wind song
dancing through their limbs

The flux of tree and wind
water and current
could be that of a two sided mirror
assuming the barrier between elements
the crash deafening
from either perspective

If only we could breathe water
feel the tumble and smash
of elemental division

If only we could frolic in the breeze
like a leaf
being caressed on every side
dare to take the risk
of falling
into the whim of the wind.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

With the tide

In the early morning light
the water undulates
dark with mystery

The waves break
in jagged crests
roll on unperturbed
a long held note
moving from shore to shore
between two islands

Death is not an impossible ending
for any souls
on this journey

The depths are teeming
with crocodile tears
and hungry mouths
ignorant of satiety

This is known
yet we ride on
bobbing insignificant on the surface
vessel pointed
in the general direction
of our assumed destination

Will we reach the shore or
will we continue on
seeking out that mirage
that future promise of