Wednesday, June 4, 2014


The night sky glows
from the glare of this human ant pile,
the scurry worry flurry
of movement with no purpose;
this fear of silence,
this dread of drowning in solitude.
Even the moon is afraid of stardust,
that it might illuminate her perceived imperfections.
For days in a row, she feigned a peaceful sleep of acceptance
only to swallow her tears, her quiet heaving breaths
in the summery song of crickets
rubbing their legs together
in a semblance of warmth,

of emotion.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

evening in the city park


The nocturnal cacophony
hollows her cheeks
and glistens her eyes.


The hare gathers his courage,
lopes across the dark pavement
in search of drier pastures.


The pines remain stalwart
through the dense and dampened air,
preparing for the coming storm.


The stars do not shine where
humans choose to tread, instead
spilling grace on deserts and fields.


She lays under the thick of night
in her own acidic solution,
wanting to  be overexposed.


Her mental box of limitations
opens at twilight

and scatters her to the wind.